
Member#: 6644 Location: Registered: 27-05-2007 Diary Entries: 3152
10th July 2016
Windsurfing: The Dip-Felixstowe Wind Direction: ssw Wind Stength: 15/24 Surf / Sea State: smooth then bumpy! Air Temperature: Sea Temperature: Weather: cloudy Max Speed: 26.84 (knots - unless stated otherwise) Distance Covered: 34.53 (Nautical Miles - unless stated otherwise)
Will this wind ever stop blowing! thats 4 days windsurfing in a row
covering about 120 mile with three 25 kt averages in very bumpy seas and
more wind for tomorrow:)
I went for an early start today to try and get the best of the water
conditions after yesterdays bumpy ride! so was at The Dip at 8 with well
over an hour to low water. The wind was gusting to 20 mph and the sea was
alot smoother so took a chance with 7.8 on the 133lt. to join the 6 early
bird kitesurfers. I had two hours on the water and although not that fast,
maybe 25 kts max it was great sailing and had the windsurfing beach all to
myself. Then the Hurrells arrived and rigged as yesterday 6.9 and 6.5 so
came ashore to rig the 6.5 with the 115 lt. to see if I could up my speeds.
It didn't look that windy so tried the 7.8 on the smaller board which
worked fine and got over 26kts straight away but the wind had increased so
I swopped to the 6.5 which was great but as the tide turned the sea did
chop up like yesterday:( Going fast was difficult but I was out hours
covering another 35 miles and there must have been a dozen windsurfers out,
after the first wave of kiters packed up when the tide turned they were
replaced by another group later. It was a good day despite not much
sunshine but mild and shortie weather, had a nice chat with kiter Ben
Windell, we spotted a dog fish in the shore break for 15 mins, it seemed in
trouble and looked like it had been hit but in the end it managed to swim
away:) It's great to see Chris Gant on the water again and I think he
enjoyed the bumpy sea! Then local legend Mark Smalling arrived after his
1Star session yesterday where he sailed 1.6 n/miles and put a hole in his
6.6:( I warned that the sea was now as crap as yesterday but he didn't
listen and rigged the 6.6 again and was only 100m off the beach when there
was a very load crack and his mast gave way!!!! Can his luck get any
better? he started to swin ashore as Neil Hurrell paddled out on his long
board to help him in. Mark then rigged 6m and managed a few miles - it will
interesting to read his report? Packed up leaving loads out for a late
lunch, shopping at Lidl and then a cuppa with the Vickers in their
campervan back at The Dip - top weekend:)
PS - good weekend for UK sport too - Top in the Tour de France, Wimbledon
and the Grand Prix :)
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